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New Release Notes 08/30/22: The All Consuming World by Cassandra Khaw

The All Consuming World by Cassandra Khaw

The All Consuming World by Cassandra Khaw

“Profane and gorgeous, The All-Consuming World is the angry queer space opera you've been waiting for. Khaw's style is as ferocious as their characters, and I love the rusty intimacy of the world they’ve built around the interconnected fates of flesh and machines.” —Annalee Newitz, Hugo and Lambda Award-winning author of Autonomous, Future of Another Timeline, and Four Lost Cities

We are sci-fi obsessives at the shop. From Bradbury to Jemisin to everything in between, we hunger for books that push the bounds of space and time. The All Consuming World satisfies that very craving, with us leaping and bounding with characters that feel as real as Terra Firma but with a plot that propels us through the universe.

Maya has died and been resurrected into countless cyborg bodies through the years of a long, dangerous career with the infamous Dirty Dozen, the most storied crew of criminals in the galaxy, at least before their untimely and gruesome demise. Decades later, she and her diverse team of broken, diminished outlaws must get back together to solve the mystery of their last, disastrous mission and to rescue a missing and much-changed comrade . . . but they’re not the only ones in pursuit of the secret at the heart of the planet Dimmuborgir.

The highly evolved AI of the galaxy have their own agenda and will do whatever it takes to keep humanity from ever regaining control. As Maya and her comrades spiral closer to uncovering the AIs’ vast conspiracy, this band of violent women—half-clone and half-machine—must battle their own traumas and a universe of sapient ageships who want them dead, in order to settle their affairs once and for all.

Welcome to The All-Consuming World, the debut novel of acclaimed writer Cassandra Khaw. With this explosive and introspective exploration of humans and machines, life and death, Khaw takes their rightful place next to such science fiction luminaries as Ann Leckie, Ursula Le Guin, and Kameron Hurley.